Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sweetheart Banquet: Murder Mystery Party

Hello, WAY! Here are the details for our Valentine's Banquet Fundraiser. This is YOUR opportunity to earn money to go towards your trip to META this July! This one of our only two scheduled fundraisers (we will have a car wash in June) so TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS CHANCE! Ask about the sign-up sheet to see what's available for you to do each hour from 6-9 pm. (everyone should be able to see the sheet in Microsoft form if you received the last email.) In addition to those working hours, every youth member will need to choose a time to help set up for the dinner on Feb. 20 (day of dinner).
Your choices are--
After Morning Church Set-Up Team: 11:45am-1pm
Pre-Event Set-Up Team: 5-6pm
Also, everyone is expected, and relied on, to help clean up afterwards, which means it may be a late-night! :)

Now for the details of the dinner!

Sweetheart Banquet: Murder Mystery Party
  • $12.50 per person ($25 for couples)
  • February 20, 2011
  • 6-9 pm
  • Italian Cuisine
  • FREE Childcare provided for children 7 & under (pizza will be served to the kids)
All throughout the dinner, a murder mystery will be unfolding, and the audience gets to be a part of it! There will also be a "self-serve" photo booth with all kinds of lovey props for you to use at your pleasure! Please contact 205.826.3475 to RSVP for the FREE childcare. If you want to buy tickets, also call 205.826.3475.

Be sure and tell EVERYONE about this event! It's bound to be excellent for ALL ages! :)
Sign up on our Facebook page to keep up with the latest details!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

what's happ'nin'??

hey everybody! we hope everyone's week is going well so far! here's a look-see into what's coming up soon:

TONIGHT: WAY at 6 in the Pour! We're watching another, awseome Louie Giglio video, so prepare yourself! :)

WAY: Every Wednesday night 6 in the Pour (unless otherwise stated) for Bible study and discussion. Bring a friend! You don't want to miss these mid-week fill-ups!

SWEETHEART BANQUET:  On Feb. 20, we are hosting a Valentine's Day Banquet to raise money for our trip to META this July! Tickets are $25 each; this includes dinner, dinner theater, and a night out on the town.... church! :) Be sure and spread the word about this!

That's all for January & Februrary as far as events go. Now, for birthdays:
2/27-- Daniel's birthday!
3/3-- K.J.'s birthday!
3/8-- Kenna's birthday!
3/27-- David's birthday!
4/23-- Molly's birthday!
5/27-- Chelsey's birthday!
6/13-- Janie's birthday!
6/16-- Mr. Brant's birthday!
6/20-- Brennon's birthday!
6/27-- John Gregory's birthday!
7/15-- Keontai's birthday!
7/16-- Shelby's birthday!
7/25-- Mr. Durell's birthday!
That's all the birthdays for Jan-July! :)

See yall tonight!

Monday, January 10, 2011


yes,  we went bowling yesterday, instead of iceskating.
well, let's just say the weather gave us a scare and we didn't want to get stuck in b-ham with no money for a hotel, SO, we went bowling. :) here are the pics to prove it!

eating at Pizza Palace!

boys being silly!

kenna and shelby!

doesn't it look like we had so much fun?!?! WE DID! :)
check out more here!

see yall on wednesday! :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ice Skating!!

Hello W.A.Y.!! Guess what...


yep. Here are the details:


-We'll be leaving the church right after morning service on Sunday, January 9, and drive to Birmingham to eat at Superior Grill (Mexican rest.).
-After lunch, if we have time to kill before ice skating, we will go to the Galleria Mall. No money is required for this, as it won't be a shopping trip, LADIES! ;)
-After the tentative mall trip, we will head over to Pelham Civic Complex to ice skate from 4-6pm.
We will leave Pelham at 6:15pm, and arrive back at the church at 7:30pm.


-Parents will be driving their own vehicles. Until we know how many people are committed to going, we don't know how many vehicles will be needed. If you are a parent and want to volunteer you time and vehicle, let us know!


-We suggest you bring a minimum of $10 for lunch at Superior Grill.
-You may bring money for the mall, but it isn't a shopping trip and is only tentative at that. :)
-Depending on how many people come ice skating, the cost for skating and renting skates will range from $8-$9.
If we have 20 or more people come, it will be $8, including skate rental.
If we have less than 20 people, it will be $7 with an additional $2 for skate rental.
- It can also be noted that their are snack and drink machines at the Pelham Civic Complex and additional money may be brought for that, but it is NOT necessary.

Grand Total:
$20-25 per youth

This is definitely a friend- friendly trip, so invite people you know!! We hope to have 20 or more people come, not including parents! :)

If you have any questions, contact us!

205.330.1404 (Youngs)
205.657.0385 (Merriams)

We hope to see you all there!

happy new year!!

happy new year everyone!!

our prayer for this year is that as a youth group we will grow closer together and stronger in our faith and become mighty young men and women of God!

We love you all!
