Friday, March 18, 2011

Hiking Trip!

Saturday, March 19th

10am - 2pm

Outdoor Fun

  • Meet at the Publix by North River at 9:50 am
  • We will leave from there and carpool over to Lake Nichol to have some fun.
  • Bring fishing gear, comfortable shoes, frizbees, footballs, frizbee golf, or any fun outdoor games.
  • We will play games, hike around and eat.
  • We will provide hotdogs and drinks.
  • Please bring a sweet snack or a bag of chips.
  • We will arrive back at the Publix at 2 pm.
It should be a BEAUTIFUL day to enjoy God’s creation!

 Please resond to this (comment, facebook message, email, or phone-call) by FRIDAY NIGHT so we know how many are coming and if we have enough to keep the plans!

We know, it's sad. But there was not enough interest. :(
Maybe sometime soon we can go hiking!
Have a great Saturday anyway!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

more on Romans 8:39!

featured on shelby's blog today is her take on Romans 8:39!
check it out!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Romans 8:39

Hi everyone! Two of our youth, Shelby and Tayler, are going to be talking about Romans 8:39 today and tomorrow over on Shelby's blog! Check it out today for Tayler's view, and tomorrow for Shelby's!

We hope you are all having a great Monday! See you all Wednesday night!