Wednesday, June 23, 2010


hola! Shelby here, blogging away on the youthy blog. :) How've you all been, hope you've been well, I've been busy. Now that we've gotten the small talk out of the way, let's talk
elephant bushes.

This week at Capstone Campdown(the camp for our Capstone i-kids) we talked about, DonDonDon.......(that's the scary sound that plays in your head when you think you see a shark)


yes, responsibility. Most certainly not a word most of us like to hear.because we like being lazy.we are a lazy generation. BUT, we can be vibrant, and lit-up, and colorful, and joyful, and happy, and goofy, and all other good and happy emotions because we had JESUS in our hearts!! WHOOO-HOOO!! :)

I was so encouraged/over-joyed to see that the kids that came to the camp felt pretty much all the descriptions of a happy heart I listed above. I loved spending time with all of them, seeing them laugh and smile, and watching them fall even deeper in love with Christ. I particularly bonded(i do not like that word)with two girls: Lucy and Morgan. They are ten years old and so innocent and sincere. I had the most wonderful time hanging out with them. One night when we were getting settled in our oh-so-comfy-bunks(lie) one of them climbed into my bed and asked me to read the Bible with her. Then all the girls want to hear Scripture read aloud! It was so amazing and totally unexpected. I had prepared myself for long, hot days and uncomfortable, sleepless night but I had not even considered the possibility that they would want to hang out with me.

I don't mean to ramble, but I say all this to say, someone is ALWAYS watching you! Not in a creepy, weird kind of way, but in a "you're older and wiser and I'm going to do what you do" kind of way. There's a big difference. :) I have learned to watch what I do a whole lot more now that I see these young ladies watching my actions and listening to my words.

Wow, this is way more than a test-run.It's like my my fingers were on hyper-speed and couldn't stop! But, I think they're done now. Have a great day everyone! :)


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