Friday, July 30, 2010

This week in WAY ministries...

did that sound like a TV person?? I thought so too. :)

So, for this week(and part of next week):
  • We are reading John chapter 8 all this week! So, read it! :)
  • Sunday we are not having an in-home Bible study. just FYI...
  • Wednesday is the Picnic & Corn Toss Tournament at Shelby Park! Be there at 6 and come hungry! Don't miss this fun, family event! :)
  • August 8 is the Back-to-School Pool Party/ parents meeting. Time are TBD and we will let you know as soon as we get that info. BUT, bring your swimsuits and Bibles! :)
Enjoy the weekend everyone! :)

EDIT 8/03/10 : The time has been determined for the Pool Party. Be at the Young's at 12pm and plan to leave around 3:30pm. Hope to see you all there!! :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

John 7:18

Hello :) I haven't spoken to yall in a while. Well, I've decided to show myself again; I've hidden for far too long! :)

In my time with God lately, I have really been feeling Him speaking through verse 18 of John chapter 7. John chapter 7 is the chapter we are all reading this week, and then we will all discuss it on Wednesday. Here's the verse:

He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him.

Just think on that for a while....

and announcements:

  • Bible Study this Wednesday! in the youth room, at 6; BE THERE! :)
  • Back to school party on August 8th. There will also be a parents/youth meeting on this date. We will be taking fall event suggestions at the meeting as well, so be thinking about what you want to do during the school year!
  • AND we changed the email account!! The new and improved email is
if you need us, contact with this email, not the other one. :)

have a great day everyone!

Monday, July 19, 2010


This week's announcements are as follows:
  • This Tuesday, tomorrow, is the Body+Life Family Pool Party! Join us at the UA's Outdoor Pool Complex from 7:15pm-9:15pm! And don't forget to invite friends! :)
  • Wednesday we are having Bible Study in the youth room from 6-7:30ish pm. Come prepared to discuss John Chapter 6! And if you don't have a Bible, head over to the Summer Bible Reading page to read the chapter! :)

Last night, Capstone Church hosted Daraja Children's Choir's worship! It was absolutely amazing! I hope you were able to join in on the praising of our Lord! :)

See you all Tuesday!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Daraja Children's Choir

whew..... today has been long! This morning, WAY went tubin' down the Cahaba. Some really liked it! Some really didn't like it. It was kind of a hit-and-miss kind of outing. If you came, you know that it's something we can laugh about later. That is, after the bruises, scratches, and aching heals. :)
  • This Sunday, tomorrow, we will not be having an in-home Bible study like we usually do. Instead, Our church is hosting a concert given by the Daraja Children's Choir. No reservation necessary! Just come at six, in the POUR, and support these gifted children from a far-away country!
  • On the 20th of July, Capstone is throwing a Body+Life Pool Party! Be sure to cake it to this family event on Tuesday, the 20th, from 7:15pm-9:15pm at the UA's Outdoors Pool Complex! Be sure to invite friends to this event!

P.S.-- I am not making these events into "events" on Facebook. Neither of them require any reservations!

See you all at church tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Hello everyone!! Monday we returned from Panama City from being at META and, I think we can all agree on this, it was an amazing weekend spent with God! The theme for META this year was Align. The whole weekend we talked about aligning our ways with the path God wants us to take. The two "principles of the path" that we talked about were as follows:
Direction-not intention- determines our destination
(we cannot hope to "end up" in a good place or situation if our actions are bad. However we live now, will effect us later and the goal we hope to get to.)
What you view as your source will determine your course
(are you trusting in yourself to get you were you know you need to be, or are you trusting God to get you there?)
For me personally, the last night of worship was by far the most powerful. I think most people would agree. The whole weekend we talked about the path we were taking in life and where, because of it, it would ultimately lead us. To visualize this better, the META staff made a "path" on the beach made of white paper bags filled with sand and a single, lit candle inside. Along the path were 3 lines drawn that represented different "levels" in your relationship with Christ.
Line 1: "I believe in God and the gospel of Christ enough to benefit from it."
Line 2: "I believe in God and the gospel of Christ enough to contribute comfortably."
Line 3: "I believe in God and the gospel of Christ enough to truly give my whole life to Him!"
Before the kids walked the path, they were asked to be truly honest with themselves and determine where they were in their relationship with Christ, in terms of those lines. Once they figured that out, they were allowed to walk the path. When they came to the area in the path where they knew they were spiritually, they stopped and sat and a counselor came to pray with them. Some stopped before the 2nd line (believing in God enough to accept his benefits, but not enough to give even comfortably), the 3rd line( believing in God enough to give to him only when it was comfortable but not willing to give anything else), and still some stopped even before the first line. But the point was not to humiliate the kids in front of everyone, if they were not as close to God we hoped they would be. It was to show them that they needed Christ because the path they were on was not going to get them anywhere good. This was one of the best things for our youth group.
After we stopped at the point we thought we were at in our relationship for a while, we moved on to the end of the path, which was a huge circle--made of the white bags with candles-- with a cross in the middle. There we humbled ourselves, bowed before the cross, and worshipped Christ with all we had. The kids who crossed the 3rd line were able to go to the cross immediately. But, all kids had to have their "path card" filled out before they came to cross. This card required them to check the box of which line they stopped at and write which path they were going to take.
Wow, to make this long story short, REALLY INCREDIBLE NIGHT!!

Announcements (if you've even read to this far):
  • Wednesday Night Bible Study this Wednesday @6 pm. BE THERE!
  • Tubing Adventure this Saturday! If you are coming, we HAVE to know by Wednesday. There cannot be ANY last minute sign-ups! Sign up on our FB page! more info to come.

Thanks for reading this far! Have a lovely day everyone! :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Howdy, Everyone!

META's in 2 DAYS!!! I'm finally getting around to getting the more "detailed itinerary" I promised in this other post, that includes more general info. Anyway, here we go.....

When: Friday, July 9th through Monday, July 12th
*Be at church on Friday morning NO LATER than 5:45AM! We leave at 6AM sharp*
Money: Your fee covers food and lodging while at beach retreat in Panama City, META Snack Store, as well as possible go-carts, or souvenirs.
Travel: We will travel on a 55 passenger bus with a commercial driver.
What TO Bring:
(we encourage you to print out this post and use the packing list as a check-list.)
Three Bags-
  • 1 bag for bedding, sheets, pillow, towels, etc.
  • 1 bag for clothes and toiletries
  • 1 bag for carry-on

*Bedding bag

  • towels and wash cloths
  • bed sheet or sleeping bag
  • pillow and pillowcase

*Clothes/ Toiletries Bag

  • clothes for 4 days(include clothing appropriate for our 2nd annual META whiteout on the beach. This is where everyone wears ALL white clothing!)
  • modest swimsuit
  • sunblock
  • soap and shampoo (yes, you must bathe... :))
  • toothbrush and toothpaste (you MUST bring this!)

*Carry-On bag

  • BIBLE, notebook, and pen
  • sunblock, swimsuit, towel for the beach on arrival
  • anything else you need to stay with you

What NOT to Bring:

  • fireworks
  • alcohol or tobacco products
  • clothing that promotes alcohol or tobacco use
  • non-prescription drugs

Other Notes:

  • Take care of the place we are staying at!
  • Each student will attend EVERY small group session and worship session.
  • Go to sleep at lights out.
  • No pranking from hours of 12am till 8am. Please be considerate if you do prank between legal hours, though, because whatever you do to someone else, they could very well do to you!
  • Shoes stay ON inside the bus, unless wearing flip-flops.

Room Assignments:

(Room leader's name is in bold at the top of each list)

Jennifer Merriam

Shelby Merriam

Maddison McClung

Kenna Young

Kaleigh Young

Rylee Hitchner

Kristi JAckson

Arkeia Bryant

Peyton Hamby

Emma Jackson

Janie Martin

Cayla Hummel

Durrel Young

Brennon Dent

Brooks Horsley

Chris Rice

David Ross

Kyle Johnston

Brant Merriam and Tyler Lovell

Tayler Hansford

Tyler Hitchner

Brantley Merriam

John Gregory Mills

Chase Winters

Gerald Ross and Michael Green

Daniel Ross

Keontai Price

LaDarius Stewart

KJ Hummel

*Rooms will be assigned once we arrive at the resort. To contact any of these leaders, email resolutecapstone(at)yahoo(dot)com. The info will be given to you.

To print this post, click the "Printer Friendly" button at the bottom of this post.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

4th Of July Party!!

Happy 4TH of July....almost.... tomorrow! :)
If you're coming to the partay, you'll need to know a few things:

  • It's at the Dent's house. (for directions, EMAIL!)

  • It starts at 4 o'clock pm.

  • Everyone is asked to bring some food. We suggest everyone bring a 2-liter of their choice and a side-dish/dessert, whichever you prefer. :)

  • Bring a swimsuit, towel, and a pair of dry clothes, because there will be boats, tubing, knee boarding, skiing, and lots of watery wetness!! :)

If you can't make it, NO BIG DEAL! If you are coming, however, we would really like to know, so, let us know! :)
And, sign up on our facebook page!!

P.S.-- META in LESS than a week!! Visit this post for updated info!

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone! :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hello, W.A.Y. fellows!

just a few little announcements:

  • META money(ALL of it) is due! We will be collecting on Sunday and Wednesday so, bring your cash!
  • This Sunday is the 4th of July partay at the Dent's house (4:00pm-whenever they kick us out.). I need to know if you're coming. But, if for some reason you can't tell me and you just have to show up unannounced, be a doll and bring a 2 liter and a side dish/dessert. :) directions?? that's why God made email. look below....


that's it! Have a great night everyone! :)

p.s.-- we all had a great time at Alabama Adventure...hope you came. ;)