Sunday, June 27, 2010

something I read...

I won't say much. I'm just going to give yall an excerpt from the book Revolution in World Missions. A really long excerpt, but please, read!
The author, K.P. Yohannan, is explaining the real reason for hunger and poverty in third world countries such as India, his home country.(I will make the words he says blue, so it's easy to distinguish between mine and his.) He says,
"But what causes the hunger? Asian Christians know these horrible conditions are only symptoms of the real problem--spiritual bondage to satanic philosophies. The key factor--and the most neglected--in understanding India's hunger problem is the Hindu belief system and its effect on food production. Most people know of the "sacred cows" that roam free, eating tons of grain while nearby people starve. But a lesser known and more sinister culprit is another animal protected by religious belief- the rat.
According to those who believe in reincarnation, the rat must be protected as a likely recipient for a reincarnated soul on its way up the ladder of spiritual evolution to Nirvana. Though many reject this and seek to poison rats, large scale efforts of extermination have been thwarted by religious outcry. As one of India's statesmen has said, 'India's problems will never cease until her religion changes.'
Rats eat or spoil 20% of India's food grain every year. A recent survey in the wheat-growing district of Hapur in north India revealed an average of ten rats per house.
Of the 1982 harvest of cereals in India, including maize, wheat, rice, millet and so on--a total of 134million metric tons-- the 20% loss from rats amounted to 26.8 million metric tons. The picture becomes more comprehensible by imagining a train of boxcars carrying that amount of grain. With each car holding about 82 metric tons, the train would contain 327,000 cars and stretch for 3,097 miles. The annual food grain loss in India would fill a train longer than the distance between New York and Los Angeles.
The devastating effects of the rat in India should make it an object of scorn. Instead, because of the spiritual blindness of the people, the rat is protected and in some places, like a temple thirty miles south of Bikaner in north India, even worshiped."
wow. Church, we are so set on saving the world, sending medical attention to the hidden places of the earth, and taking care of helpless peoples' physical needs, that we aren't getting to the root of the problem. We are just covering up the real problem, temporarily at that! If we were to go out and be offensive with the Scriptures I have no doubt that some, if not most or all, of Asia's physical needs would be met as well. And, in case you thought there were already enough missionaries in third world countries, preaching the Gospel, think again. Here's another excerpt:
"Recently, for instance, one native missionary, who serves the Lord in Jammu, asked a shopkeeper at the market if he knew Jesus. After thinking a moment, he said, 'Sir, I know everyone in our village. There is not one by that name who lives here. Why don't you go to the next village? He may live there.'
Frequently native missionary evangelists find people who ask if Jesus is the brand name of a new soap or patent medicine."
I think the last one speaks for itself. I hope this stirred your spirit.
P.S.-- Alabama Adventure (see this post) in the morning!! It's too late to sign up, but if you're goin, be at the church at 8:00am! We can't wait on you if you're late. sorry..... :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Being His hands and feet...

Living near our friends at the Brown House is a family of five (a mom, 3 boys, and one girl) whose house burned down completely a few days ago. They have absolutely nothing other than what people have been donating to them. Resolute, let's be the Hands and feet of Jesus Christ to this family by giving them whatever you can! Money is appreciated, as well as pots, pans, silverware, bed sheets, pillow cases, and clothes(women's size 14, boys ages 6-14, and girls age 13). Whatever you can give will be a blessing to this family! Email us if you need directions to the Brown House, where donations are being accepted, or a way to get the money to them! Thanks!


"Then he will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited my in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'
"Then the righteous will answer him,
' Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit?'
"Then the King will reply,
'I tell you the truth whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
Matthew 25:34-40

Thursday, June 24, 2010


so, now that we pretty much have a new youth name picked out, should we change the colors?? leave a comment and tell us what you think! This is very important as we will be moving buildings soon, so, decor is up to YOU! currently, the color of the youth room is like a rusty orange, green, and black?? something like that. haha! let us know what you think! :) :) :) :) :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


hola! Shelby here, blogging away on the youthy blog. :) How've you all been, hope you've been well, I've been busy. Now that we've gotten the small talk out of the way, let's talk
elephant bushes.

This week at Capstone Campdown(the camp for our Capstone i-kids) we talked about, DonDonDon.......(that's the scary sound that plays in your head when you think you see a shark)


yes, responsibility. Most certainly not a word most of us like to hear.because we like being lazy.we are a lazy generation. BUT, we can be vibrant, and lit-up, and colorful, and joyful, and happy, and goofy, and all other good and happy emotions because we had JESUS in our hearts!! WHOOO-HOOO!! :)

I was so encouraged/over-joyed to see that the kids that came to the camp felt pretty much all the descriptions of a happy heart I listed above. I loved spending time with all of them, seeing them laugh and smile, and watching them fall even deeper in love with Christ. I particularly bonded(i do not like that word)with two girls: Lucy and Morgan. They are ten years old and so innocent and sincere. I had the most wonderful time hanging out with them. One night when we were getting settled in our oh-so-comfy-bunks(lie) one of them climbed into my bed and asked me to read the Bible with her. Then all the girls want to hear Scripture read aloud! It was so amazing and totally unexpected. I had prepared myself for long, hot days and uncomfortable, sleepless night but I had not even considered the possibility that they would want to hang out with me.

I don't mean to ramble, but I say all this to say, someone is ALWAYS watching you! Not in a creepy, weird kind of way, but in a "you're older and wiser and I'm going to do what you do" kind of way. There's a big difference. :) I have learned to watch what I do a whole lot more now that I see these young ladies watching my actions and listening to my words.

Wow, this is way more than a test-run.It's like my my fingers were on hyper-speed and couldn't stop! But, I think they're done now. Have a great day everyone! :)



So, according to the poll on the sidebar of the homepage, W.A.Y. won the youth-name contest. Of course, this was more-or-less just a poll to get an idea of what name everyone liked best. So everybody, except the 3 people who chose Translucent, Resolute, and Ignite, pretty much like W.A.Y. Just to refresh your memory, W.A.Y. means "Whose Are You?". Whose are you?? hmm
I'll leave the poll on the sidebar till tomorrow so yall can look at it. :)
  • Alabama Adventure outing THIS Monday! If you want to go I need to know by Sunday. Sunday is the deadline.(email us if you want to go!)
  • META sign-up is still going on along with the $50 deposit that is due for all who are going!! We need to know if you're going, get your money, and get your Medical release form ASAP, so, PLEASE, let me know if you're coming![again, please email or leave a comment with your email enclosed so we can get in touch. :)]
  • Next Wednesday(or Monday if you come to Alabama Adventure...) we are announcing the NEW and IMPROVED youth name. :) So be there, or find out via blogger. Whichever floats your boat. If you've got a boat.....

Say, "Hello!" some of our bloggy authors:

Kenna and Shelby.

I know, only two, but we're growing! :) You'll know when they write the post because they will (1) leave a computerized signature and (2) at the bottom of the post, it will say, "In Christ, _____"(fill in the blank). It won't actually say "In Christ, Shelby/Kenna, but, you get the idea. :)

I hope you all have had a wonder week so far!

Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with very much. Luke 16:10

Friday, June 18, 2010

Alabama Adventure

Resolute, we are headed to Alabama Adventure in a few weeks! Invite all your friends!!This will be a super fun outing!
Alabama Adventure has a water park and amusement park, so dress/pack accordingly.
When- as of now, June 28th. If it changes, you'll be the first to know! :)
Where- Alabama Adventure (Bessemer, AL)
Cost- $10 admission, $5 gas, money for lunch in the park ($5-$7), spending money, etc.
Time- 8:30 am we are leaving the church. (be at the church promptly; 8:15 am??) the park closes at 8:00 pm so we will probably get back to the church around 9:00-9:30 pm. Make sure you have a parent or someone to pick you up, from the church, at the church ON-TIME!

Packing List- bag, modest bathing suit, sunblock, sunglasses(opt), dry clothing, beach towel, comfortable shoes, spending money, cell phone (if you have one; we will get everyones phone numbers so we can have contact with each other in the park.), camera(opt), etc. (if I missed anything, email me and let me know!)

Some people, including myself, are bringing sack lunches (food and drink) instead of buying lunch in the park. This will save a lot of money as park food can get pricey. Around lunch time, the people who bring sack lunches will head out to the parking lot and eat.Water IS allowed in the park. Food and other drink are NOT!
Please note that whatever you bring, (bag, towel, money, water bottles, etc.) YOU are carrying! If you think you will have trouble keeping up with your money, let one of the adults know and they can keep track of it for you. Everything else is your responsibility. :)

*Alabama Adventure is having some sort of "special" on ticket prices on the 28th of June; this is why we are getting the tickets for $10. If, for any reason, the date changes, the ticket price will go up to $25 (if we get 15 or more people go). Just be prepared if this change does happen. It is not likely, but, still... :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I read this last night before bed, and it had been replaying in my mind all day.
Deut. 15:7-8 & 10:
7If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother. 8Rather be openhanded and freely lend him whatever he needs.
10 Give generously to him and so so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.
and I like ladybugs.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

General META info:

META 2010


When: July 9th - 12th

Where: Laguna Christian Beach Resort, Panama City

Time: Leave early (around 5 am) on Friday July 9th

Return to church evening (around 5pm) on 12th

Cost: $175/student

Deposit: $50

This is a camp designed for 7th - 12th grade youth. There will be worship, Bible study, games, quiet time and recreation. It is a time for the youth to bond and enjoy the beach while learning more about God and how to live a Christ - like life. Cost includes boarding, travel and meals. The messages will be given by Pastor Bill Overstreet and the worship led by Matt Wiley. Specific information will follow soon.

Medical Release Form

TO PRINT: right click on picture above. click "open link" and then choose the print option.

( If you're coming, the medical release forms need to be turned in ASAP, as well as the $50 deposit!)

Itinerary to Come Soon!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Bible Study!

Mark "attending" if you plan on coming and, remember, bring a friend!
Facebook Bible Study!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


How's everybody??? Hope every one's good. I'm sure you're fine. :)
Just a few reminders:

  • This Sunday, we're having hang-out time and a Bible study at the Merriam's house. If you need directions email me!
  • I updated the poll for youth names because we added a name. The added name is "W.A.Y.?", which stands for "Whose Are You?" I like it! Make sure you vote again because we looooove input. (well, I love input)
  • VBS, High Seas, is this week for our 2year olds- 2nd graders! If you know anyone within that age range, bring 'em and we'll tell 'em about Jesus! What could be better for a child?? NOTHING!! :) VBS is Mon.-Fri. from 9-12. Snack is provided along with crafts, silly puppets, games, and a super fun trip on a super cool boat! Make sure you're "All-Aboard" for this crazy-fun adventure! :) (I know I'm cheesy)

Well, I think that's all. Give me a holler if you think of anything really nifty to put up on here! :) night yall!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Lisa Luby Ryan

She came from trauma and shame. Through God, she found freedom and true love from her heavenly Father.

check out her story

(sorry I don't have a pic or anything to put on here. I'm not computer savvy and can't figure it out.)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Oh Happy Day!!

What a powerful message from Pastor Bill this morning! I think sometimes we can forget that the God who performed all the miracles in Jesus' day can still do the same today! How amazing.....

Just a few reminders:

  • Yesterday was our Car wash Fundraiser for our Meta trip this year. If you didn't get sponsors before yesterday, you can still get some!
  • Today the $50 deposit is due for the Meta trip so, pay up! :)
  • Tomorrow, June 7, 2010, at 6:30 pm, is the Pampered Chef fundraiser. The main course- Deep Covered Baker. The whole evening will be centered on meals cooked in the Deep Covered Baker that take 15 min. or less to cook, are microwavable, and cut down on the heat in your kitchen during theses hot months to come! We're meeting at the Church in the Pour Cafe, I believe.... :) For more info, email the Pampered Chef host, Kristi Jackson at

More updates will come, don't fret. For now, we'll focus on getting our Meta trip under control. What's that you say? You don't know what Meta is?


Meta is short for Metamorphosis. We all associate the word metamorphosis with the change caterpillars go through to become butterflies. Well, that's our goal- to undergo change in order to become a beautiful new creation of God. This Meta trip takes place at Panama City Beach, FL, July 9-12. There we will encounter God in whole new ways, build lasting relationships with other believers, and have some fun in the sun! It's $175 a person, which includes everything but food money on the way to and from the beach, spending money, and offering money. If you've ever been to Meta, share your memories and testimonies by commenting on this post.

Alrighty, well, I hope you all have a splendid day! :)
